Thursday, April 17, 2008

Insurrection #4

Anarchist Magazine Issue 4 May 1988
Elephant Editions

With this issue of Insurrection we are adressing ourselves to anarchists and all those who feel themselves to be in a situation of antagonism against the dominion of the State and capital. We also adress ourselves to those who are disheartened and perhaps even disgusted by the absorption of certain structures that once held high banners and hopes within the workers movement. We adress ourselves to those who have begun to see the charade of pacifism as futile in the attempt to move the nuclear industry(both civil and military) an inch. We adress ourselves who see that science is no longer neutral - if it ever was- and to those who see that the struggle against the vile experimentation on animals in all fields cannot be fought as a single issue struggle but must be brought into the global project of the capitalist enterprise. We adress ourselves to those who see that the feminist movement while bringing women's issues into the open, cannot alone bring women to be free beings. We adress ourselves to those who see that although the colour of their skin is the moset immediate cause of their oppression, to fight back on that level alone merely leads to a more refined form of exploitation. To those who see that even if their colonial exploiters are chased away they will still a local bourgeoisie to contend with. To those who see that moral indignation is not enough. That simply adhering to a movement in name and having no concrete project is not enough. We adress ourselves to those who want to take the risk of throwing old schema out of the window and look for a new road. An informal, flexible road. One which requires the constant engagement of comrades in a dimension of permanent conflictuality, not sporadic movements, spectacular displays of numerical strength. To those for whom reform is nothing but a support to capital. To those who are not afraid to speak of revolution without a cynical smile on their lips. For those who want everything now and are prepared to make sure they get it, realising that this can only be done through the development of both a specific anarchist movement organised informally, and the relationship of that movement with mass organisms which give themselves intermediate aims in an insurrectional logic. We adress ourselves to those therefore who realise that this road is one that we must work to create, eexperimenting together. What we are offering here is one instrument in that project. Not abstract theory but an attempt to go foreward and develop means that are adequate to the present day in the struggle towards a free society. Much of the analytical and theoretical contributions are the fruit of involvement in the struggle elsewhere in recent years, also by some of the Insurrection comrades ourselves. It is therefore also an attempt to break down some of the geographical and linguistic barriers that are an obstacle preventing a full development of the struggle.


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